Local Convolutional Neural Network

Subsequently, we give details on our implementation of a Local Convolutional Neural Network (LCNN). References for a more detailed theoretical background can be found at the end of this page, which were also used for writing this text. We use TensorFlow for our implementation. For more information on specific TensorFlow objects that we use, e.g. layers, see the TensorFlow documentation.

In contrast to normal convolutional layers, local convolutional layers have region-specific filters with individual weights. In the context of phenotype prediction, marker variants in different regions in the genome might have a completely different influence on the phenotype. The hope is to capture these different effects via the region-specific filters of the local convolutional layers.

For LCNN, we one-hot encoded the data, as this data can be easily processed by a LCNN. This type of encoding preserves the whole nucleotide information and might thus lead to a smaller information loss than other encodings.

Some of the methods and attributes relevant for the LCNN are already defined in its parent class TensorflowModel. There, you can e.g. find the epoch- and batch-wise training loop. In the code block below, we show the constructor of TensorflowModel.

class TensorflowModel(_base_model.BaseModel, abc.ABC):
    def __init__(self, task: str, optuna_trial: optuna.trial.Trial, encoding: str = None, n_outputs: int = 1,
                 n_features: int = None, width_onehot: int = None, batch_size: int = None, n_epochs: int = None,
                 early_stopping_point: int = None):
        self.all_hyperparams = self.common_hyperparams()  # add hyperparameters commonly optimized for all torch models
        self.n_features = n_features
        self.width_onehot = width_onehot  # relevant for models using onehot encoding e.g. CNNs
        super().__init__(task=task, optuna_trial=optuna_trial, encoding=encoding, n_outputs=n_outputs)
        self.batch_size = \
            batch_size if batch_size is not None else self.suggest_hyperparam_to_optuna('batch_size')
        self.n_epochs = n_epochs if n_epochs is not None else self.suggest_hyperparam_to_optuna('n_epochs')
        self.optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=self.suggest_hyperparam_to_optuna('learning_rate'))
        self.loss_fn = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True) if task == 'classification' \
            else tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError()
        # early stopping if there is no improvement on validation loss for a certain number of epochs
        self.early_stopping_patience = self.suggest_hyperparam_to_optuna('early_stopping_patience')
        self.early_stopping_point = early_stopping_point
        self.early_stopping_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(
            monitor='val_loss', patience=self.early_stopping_patience, mode='min', restore_best_weights=True,
        self.model.compile(self.optimizer, loss=self.loss_fn)

We define attributes and suggest hyperparameters that are relevant for all neural network implementations, e.g. the optimizer to use and the learning_rate to apply. Some attributes are also set to fixed values, for instance the loss function (self.loss_fn) depending on the detected machine learning task. Furthermore, early stopping is parametrized, which we use as a measure to prevent overfitting. With early stopping, the validation loss is monitored and if it does not improve for a certain number of epochs (self.early_stopping_patience), the training process is stopped. When working with our LCNN implementation, it is important to keep in mind that some relevant code and hyperparameters can also be found in TensorflowModel.

The definition of the LCNN model itself as well as of some specific hyperparameters and ranges can be found in the LocalCnn class. In the code block below, we show its define_model() method. The architecture of our LCNN model starts with a LocallyConnected1D layer, for which the kernel_size and stride are optimized during hyperparameter search. This layer is followed by a BatchNormalization, Dropout, MaxPool and Flatten layer. This output is forwarded to n_layers of blocks, which include a Dense(), BatchNormalization() and Dropout layer. The last of these blocks is followed by a Dense output layer. The number of outputs in the first Dense layer is defined by a hyperparameter (n_initial_units_factor), that is multiplied with the number of inputs. Then, with each of the above-mentioned blocks, the number of outputs decreases by a percentage parameter perc_decrease. Further, we use Dropout for regularization and define the dropout rate as the hyperparameter p.

def define_model(self) -> tf.keras.Sequential:
    Definition of a LocalCNN network.


        - LocallyConnected1D, BatchNorm, Dropout, MaxPool1D, Flatten
        - N_LAYERS of (Dense + BatchNorm + Dropout)
        - Dense output layer

    Kernel size for LocallyConnectedLayer and max pooling layer may be fixed or optimized.
    Same applies for stride, number of units in the first dense layer and percentage decrease after each layer.
    n_layers = self.suggest_hyperparam_to_optuna('n_layers')
    model = tf.keras.Sequential()
    act_function = tf.keras.layers.Activation(self.suggest_hyperparam_to_optuna('act_function'))
    l1_regularizer = None  # tf.keras.regularizers.L1(l1=self.suggest_hyperparam_to_optuna('l1_factor'))
    in_channels = self.width_onehot
    width = self.n_features
    model.add(tf.keras.Input(shape=(width, in_channels)))
    n_filters = 1
    kernel_size = int(2 ** self.suggest_hyperparam_to_optuna('kernel_size_exp'))
    stride = max(1, int(kernel_size * self.suggest_hyperparam_to_optuna('stride_perc_of_kernel_size')))
    model.add(tf.keras.layers.LocallyConnected1D(filters=n_filters, kernel_size=kernel_size,
                                                 strides=stride, activation=None,
    p = self.suggest_hyperparam_to_optuna('dropout')
    model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dropout(rate=p, seed=42))
    kernel_size_max_pool = 2 ** 4  # self.suggest_hyperparam_to_optuna('maxpool_kernel_size_exp')
    n_units = int(model.output_shape[1] * self.suggest_hyperparam_to_optuna('n_initial_units_factor'))
    perc_decrease = self.suggest_hyperparam_to_optuna('perc_decrease_per_layer')
    for layer in range(n_layers):
        model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=n_units, activation=None,
        n_units = int(n_units * (1-perc_decrease))
    return model

The implementations for 'classification' and 'regression' just differ by the units of the output layer (and loss function as you can see in the first code block). self.n_outputs is inherited from BaseModel, where it is set to 1 for regression (one continuous output) or to the number of different classes for classification.


  1. Bishop, Christopher M. (2006). Pattern recognition and machine learning. New York, Springer.

  2. Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y.,, Courville, A. (2016). Deep Learning. MIT Press. Available at https://www.deeplearningbook.org/

  3. Pook, T., Freudenthal, J.A., Korte, A., & Simianer, H. (2020). Using Local Convolutional Neural Networks for Genomic Prediction. Frontiers in Genetics, 11.