
Module Contents



BaseModel parent class for all models that can be used within the framework.

class easypheno.model._base_model.BaseModel(task, optuna_trial, encoding=None, n_outputs=1)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

BaseModel parent class for all models that can be used within the framework.

Every model must be based on BaseModel directly or BaseModel’s child classes, e.g. SklearnModel or TorchModel

Please add super().__init__(PARAMS) to the constructor in case you override it in a child class


Class attributes

  • standard_encoding (str): the standard encoding for this model

  • possible_encodings (List<str>): a list of all encodings that are possible according to the model definition

Instance attributes

  • task (str): ML task (‘regression’ or ‘classification’) depending on target variable

  • optuna_trial (optuna.trial.Trial): trial of optuna for optimization

  • encoding (str): the encoding to use (standard encoding or user-defined)

  • n_outputs (int): number of outputs of the prediction model

  • all_hyperparams (dict): dictionary with all hyperparameters with related info that can be tuned (structure see define_hyperparams_to_tune)

  • model: model object

  • task (str) – ML task (regression or classification) depending on target variable

  • optuna_trial (optuna.trial.Trial) – Trial of optuna for optimization

  • encoding (str) – the encoding to use (standard encoding or user-defined)

  • n_outputs (int) – number of outputs of the prediction model

property standard_encoding(cls)

the standard encoding for this model

property possible_encodings(cls)

a list of all encodings that are possible according to the model definition

abstract define_model(self)[source]

Method that defines the model that needs to be optimized. Hyperparams to tune have to be specified in all_hyperparams and suggested via suggest_hyperparam_to_optuna(). The hyperparameters have to be included directly in the model definiton to be optimized. e.g. if you want to optimize the number of layers, do something like

n_layers = self.suggest_hyperparam_to_optuna('n_layers') # same name in define_hyperparams_to_tune()
for layer in n_layers:
    do something

Then the number of layers will be optimized by optuna.

abstract define_hyperparams_to_tune(self)[source]

Method that defines the hyperparameters that should be tuned during optimization and their ranges. Required format is a dictionary with:

        'datatype': 'float' | 'int' | 'categorical',
        FOR DATATYPE 'categorical':
            'list_of_values': []  # List of all possible values
        FOR DATATYPE ['float', 'int']:
            'lower_bound': value_lower_bound,
            'upper_bound': value_upper_bound,
            # OPTIONAL ITEMS (only for ['float', 'int']):
            'log': True | False  # sample value from log domain or not
            'step': step_size # step of discretization.
                                # Caution: cannot be combined with log=True
                                                # - in case of 'float' in general and
                                                # - for step!=1 in case of 'int'

If you want to use a similar hyperparameter multiple times (e.g. Dropout after several layers), you only need to specify the hyperparameter once. Individual parameters for every suggestion will be created.

Return type


abstract retrain(self, X_retrain, y_retrain)[source]

Method that runs the retraining of the model

  • X_retrain (numpy.array) – feature matrix for retraining

  • y_retrain (numpy.array) – target vector for retraining

abstract predict(self, X_in)[source]

Method that predicts target values based on the input X_in


X_in (numpy.array) – feature matrix as input


numpy array with the predicted values

Return type


abstract train_val_loop(self, X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val)[source]

Method that runs the whole training and validation loop

  • X_train (numpy.array) – feature matrix for the training

  • y_train (numpy.array) – target vector for training

  • X_val (numpy.array) – feature matrix for validation

  • y_val (numpy.array) – target vector for validation


predictions on validation set

Return type


suggest_hyperparam_to_optuna(self, hyperparam_name)[source]

Suggest a hyperparameter of hyperparam_dict to the optuna trial to optimize it.

If you want to add a parameter to your model / in your pipeline to be optimized, you need to call this method


hyperparam_name (str) – name of the hyperparameter to be tuned (see define_hyperparams_to_tune)


suggested value


Some models accept a dictionary with the model parameters. This method suggests all hyperparameters in all_hyperparams and gives back a dictionary containing them.


dictionary with suggested hyperparameters

Return type


save_model(self, path, filename)[source]

Persist the whole model object on a hard drive (can be loaded with load_model)

  • path (pathlib.Path) – path where the model will be saved

  • filename (str) – filename of the model