Source code for easypheno.model._param_free_base_model

import abc
import joblib
import numpy as np
import pathlib

[docs]class ParamFreeBaseModel(abc.ABC): """ BaseModel parent class for all models that do not have hyperparameters, e.g. BLUP. Every model must be based on :obj:`~easypheno.model.param_free_base_model.ParamFreeBaseModel` directly or ParamFreeBaseModel's child classes. Please add ``super().__init__(PARAMS)`` to the constructor in case you override it in a child class **Attributes** *Class attributes* - standard_encoding (*str*): the standard encoding for this model - possible_encodings (*List<str>*): a list of all encodings that are possible according to the model definition *Instance attributes* - task (*str*): ML task ('regression' or 'classification') depending on target variable - encoding (*str*): the encoding to use (standard encoding or user-defined) :param task: ML task (regression or classification) depending on target variable :param encoding: the encoding to use (standard encoding or user-defined) """ # Class attributes # @property @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def standard_encoding(cls): """the standard encoding for this model""" raise NotImplementedError @property @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def possible_encodings(cls): """a list of all encodings that are possible according to the model definition""" raise NotImplementedError # Constructor super class # def __init__(self, task: str, encoding: str = None): self.task = task self.encoding = self.standard_encoding if encoding is None else encoding # Methods required by each child class #
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def fit(self, X: np.array, y: np.array) -> np.array: """ Method that fits the model based on features X and targets y :param X: feature matrix for retraining :param y: target vector :return: numpy array with values predicted for X """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def predict(self, X_in: np.array) -> np.array: """ Method that predicts target values based on the input X_in :param X_in: feature matrix as input :return: numpy array with the predicted values """
[docs] def save_model(self, path: pathlib.Path, filename: str): """ Persist the whole model object on a hard drive (can be loaded with :obj:`~easypheno.model._model_functions.load_model`) :param path: path where the model will be saved :param filename: filename of the model """ joblib.dump(self, path.joinpath(filename), compress=3)